Imoto Keiko

Also known under the name(s):

Yamamoto Hana



Under the name Imoto Keiko:
Kiyoura SetsunaSchool Days (2007 TV)
Kiyoura SetsunaSchool Days OVA Special ~Magical Heart*Kokoro-chan~ (2008/03/26 OVA)


Under the name Imoto Keiko:
Kiyoura SetsunaSchool Days LxH (2008/01/17 PS2)
Under the name Yamamoto Hana:
Kiyoura SetsunaSchool Days (2005/04/28 Windows, DVD Players Game)
Kiyoura SetsunaSummer Days (2006 Windows)
Varuvaara Bikutorobuna ReeniaTenshi no Hane wo Fumanaide! (2011/07/29 Windows)

Total number of anime records: 2
Total number of game records: 4
Total number of records: 6